Travel Tips For The Summer

George Gershwin famously wrote that “It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy…”  Indeed, many of us take time off in the summer months and hit the open road. Unfortunately, the time spent traveling to and from our destinations can be…
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Migraine and Headache Awareness Month

June is National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month to encourage dialogue and awareness of how headaches affect everyday life for so many. The statistics are incredibly high for the number of people impacted by headaches and the implications of self-medicating…
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Superfoods for Super Health

Springtime is the season of new beginnings and superfoods! Budding trees, flowering plants, chirping birds. All of these can lead to feelings of greater well-being. As the famous composer, Gustav Mahler once said, “With the coming of spring, I am…
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herniated discs

Risk Factors For Herniated Disc

Warning signs of a herniated disc can depend on the portion of the spine that is affected. If the lower back is affected, the classic sign is sciatica pain that radiates down the leg with numbness and tingling. If the…
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Surgery Free Solution For Carpal Tunnel

Do you use a computer at work or at home? Of course! Most of us spend countless hours using our hands for repetitive tasks such as typing on our computer keyboards. This leaves us particularly vulnerable to developing carpal tunnel…
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